Yinzhou zone, ningbo city, zhejia – 宁波 – 中国, 上海关闭 | 0574-52452322 | |
http://www.cardboard-box-manufacturers.com | ||
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山谷 (鳗鱼) - 亚罗士打 (马来西亚) | 山谷 (鳗鱼) - 金边 (柬埔寨) |
山谷 (鳗鱼) - 万象 (老挝) | 山谷 (鳗鱼) - 斯里巴加湾市 (文莱) |
山谷 (鳗鱼) - 安汶 (印度尼西亚) |
Since corrugated paper corrugated board production lines pressed into corrugated cardboard, the corrugated paper and corrugated transverse direction parallel, while corrugated cardboard cardboard box, which is usually the direction of compression corrugated direction, which is transverse corrugated paper, therefore, in the corrugated paper product standard only provides lateral pressure ring, at the same time, since the ring crush strength of corrugated base paper with the quantitative increase and increase, in order to eliminate the quantitative impact, to facilitate comparison of different quantitative corrugating medium, the standard provision is transverse ring crush index. Ring crush index divided by the average ring crush strength obtained quantitatively to N * m / g expressed. Ring crush strength was measured according to GB / T 2679.8-1995 "Paper and cardboard ring crush strength determination" to. This standard is equivalent to ISO / DIS 12192 "Paper and board - Compressive strength - Ring crush method." The principle is within a predetermined length and width of the strip specimens into the round specimen holder annular gap, the installed base of good sample specimen is placed in a constant rate compression between the upper and lower plate compression device, press the edge of a test sample when the collapse unit length of the sample subjected to the maximum force. 0 && image.height> 0) {if (image.width> = 700) {this.width = 700; this.height = image.height * 700 / image.width;}} "src =" zkb8 / WebEditor / UploadFile /2014121214633966.jpg "border =" 0 "> purchase hollow board, plastic hollow board, hollow board turnover box, pp hollow sheet, anti-static hollow plate, hollow plate storage cage, hollow crate, cardboard box, cardboard box factory, US Cards cardboard box, heavy cardboard box, cardboard box packaging, cardboard box, honeycomb cardboard box, please contact Dr. me! 13914154443cardboard boxzkb8
Activity: corrugated card